The batatas bravas, or here, the batacas bravas, and sometimes as patatas bravas, is a complicated and commonly misspelled 'stache. Nevertheless, it is a bold and fearless lip cover, the origins of which are sometimes dated as early as 800 B.C. among the Untouchables who fled Punjabi to become nomadic dancers and metallurgists en route to Barcelona. Django Reinhardt famously sported a chain of batatas bravas, as demonstrated here at Xunta Tapas on the Lower East Side of Manhattan, until a fateful trailer fire took three fingers and his sense of dignity. After that, depression set in and it was rumored that Stephane Grappelli forced Django to grow a baguettestache. One gypsy dancer woman even reported to have seen Grappelli slap Django with a hunk of charcuterie in the green room at the Quintette du Hot Club de France. This moustache should be worn after Labor Day and before President's Day.
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