Wednesday, June 18, 2008

'stache #15 - bbq chicken leg

Considered the "Independence Day" food moustache, though contrary to popular opinion, the barbeque chicken leg moustache bears no relationship to the American July 4th celebration and requisite barbecue. Instead, this 'stache refers to the one day a year when Wichita, Kansas-resident Eddie Tutwiler was afforded the singular opportunity to leave his wife and five children (shirtless, and even pantsless) to go fishing by himself and "enjoy some goddamn peace and quiet for at least one goddamn day," as Tutwhiler was fond of muttering to himself when roughly eight Coors deep. Obviously, Tutwiler also grew a barbecue chicken moustache on these special days.

The barbecue chicken moustache obeys no fashion tenets.

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